Well its a vearry good idea. I think you should have named it bata virson. Its lacking in many areas, you ALYAYS start in last which makes it a game ou catch up to the other people. Also if you crash you slow down but not the other people. Also it counts as a crash if you get CLOSE to any ai. And the ai just go in a set line even if you get in there way theyll just push you. There are some wered skulls on the ground but I still dont no what they do. Multiple player is sweet but you run into the same problem where you dong gain positions and you just try not to fall behind. A lot of people are saying that the controls are bad but thats not true, the contolos are great once you custmise them. Another thing bad for new drivers is there us no instructions you just have to learn as you go, and it didnt start easy, my frend cant even beat lvl 1
So why am u giveing it a 4 star? I think that with a good update it Gould be one of the best apps for the iPhone/ iPodtouch
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Raging Thunder